Nov 19 2023
November 19, 2023

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2023

  • 06:00AM
  • UNRA Grounds, Kyambogo, Jinja Road, Kampala


Event: World Day of Remembrance Commemoration in Uganda
Theme: Justice – The Victims’ Right to Information
Slogan: Remember Support Act
Format: Physical/Virtual Attendance
When: 19th November: 6:00 am/8:00 am – 12:00 PM
Location: UNRA Grounds or Jinja Road (On Road – Between Spear Motors to Kyambogo University)


The purpose of this event is to remember those who have died in road crashes. The Uganda Police annual crime report 2022 indicated a 17% spike to 20,394 in the number of road crashes in Uganda for the year 2022 with 21,473 people becoming victims of these crashes. The report indicated that 4,534 people
were killed during these crashes. The intention is to work with organizations involved in promoting road safety in Uganda, prioritizing Kampala including; but not limited to: the BIRGS programme partners, IRCU, KCCA, MoWT, UNRA, UPDN, ROSACU, Joe Walker, Uganda Redcross Society, Ministry of Health, PSFU, Drivers’ and Driving Schools’ Associations, Other Civil Society Organisations working for road safety and for all parties to pool their resources to annually Nationally commemorate this important global day.


World of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims


The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR) is globally commemorated on the third Sunday of November each year.
It is a high-profile global event to remember the many millions who have been killed and seriously injured on the world’s roads and to acknowledge the suffering of all affected victims, families, and communities – millions added each year to countless millions already suffering: a truly tremendous cumulative toll.
This Day has also become an important tool for governments and all those whose work involves crash prevention or response to the aftermath of crashes since it offers the opportunity to demonstrate the enormous scale and impact of road deaths and injuries, call for an end to the often trivial and inappropriate response to road death and injury and advocate for urgent concerted action to stop the carnage.

This year 2023, We shall have a series of activities to mark the National Commemoration Event in Uganda. This shall include the following main activities:
1. Physical inter-denominational prayer led by the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda with a maximum of 100 participants at Kyambogo UNRA Grounds. The event will run from 6:00 am/8:00 am – 12:30noon/5:00 pm
2. Road Side Display
3. Flagging off the 60 KM Walk around Kampala spearheaded by the Joe Walker team to create road safety awareness and education among road users in Greater Kampala and Nationally
4. Blood Donation drive by IRCU, Nakasero Blood Bank, Uganda Redcross Society, UPDN structures from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th November to raise blood and donate for support to road crash victims in Uganda
5. Public Distribution of Branded Car stickers and industry literature for continuous awareness and education
6. Demonstration of emergency response skills and standard procedures by Uganda Red Cross society
7. Recognition through Certificate award activity targeting key institutions and individuals who have greatly contributed to road safety in Uganda, especially in the post-crash response pillar-Identified institutions and individuals list attached.
8. Short speeches from Organisers, Stakeholders (PSFU, Driving Schools, Boda Boda Industry, Drivers’ Associations, CSOs, Transporters, Victims of Road Crashes, Responsible Ministries-MoH, MoWT, KCCA)
9. Candle lighting in memory of those we lost to road crashes in Uganda
10. Handing over a Call-to-Action 2023
11. Social media, TV/radio campaigns

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

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